Activate a license

You can activate a license to an individual user or to a group. The following instructions explain how to activate a license to an individual user the first time you log in to DAX Optimizer. To activate a license for a group of users, read activate group license.

Here are the steps to activate a license:

  1. The first time you use DAX Optimizer, it will display a welcome screen with a few suggestions.
    Activating a license in Dax Optimizer
    Click on Next and read each tip until the last page.
    Activating a license in Dax Optimizer
    Click on Activate License to start the activation.

  2. Paste the license redemption code in the Activate License window and click on Next.
    Activating a license in Dax Optimizer
    When the license activation is completed, click on Done.
    Activating a license in Dax Optimizer

DAX Optimizer will display the following message in the notification area of the app, confirming the activation process is completed.
Activating a license in Dax Optimizer

NOTE: The operation may require a few seconds.

When the license is active, start using DAX Optimizer uploading the VPAX file of the model to analyze.

Last update: Feb 27, 2025