Release notes

Web app

This section contains release notes for the DAX Optimizer web application.

  • v1.1.8

    Jun 03, 2024

    Bug Fixes

    • Several bug fixes and improvements
  • v1.0.1

    Mar 25, 2024

    New Features

    • Support for the new obfuscated VPAX file extension (.ovpax)
    • Add some missing documentation links
    • Exit from the ‘Beta’ stage
  • v0.3.14

    Mar 12, 2024

    New Features

    • Allow users to change contract time zone
    • Update DAX language keywords

    Bug Fixes

    • Improve deobfuscation
  • v0.2.3

    Feb 22, 2024

    New Features

    • Support for user feedback within the application
  • v0.1.116

    Feb 15, 2024

    New Features

    • Dark mode
    • Support obfuscated models and allow deobfuscation
    • Support user account pictures through Gravatar
    • Help sidebar

    Bug Fixes

    • Fix issue that prevented to rerun an analysis on an imported model which already contained an analysis
    • Fix issue that prevented to delete a workspace if not empty

    Other Enhancements

    • General webapp layout/style improvements
    • Reduce webapp footprint and improve performance
    • Improve security headers
    • Improve webapp accessibility
    • Improve service status checks
    • Allow to search accounts in the same AAD organization by name and/or email
    • Rename “ReRun” dialog in “Analysis” and improve its layout
  • v0.1.91

    Nov 21, 2023

    New Features

    • Added support to group accounts


This section contains release notes for the DAX Optimizer engine. When a new version of the engine is released, it is a good idea to re-run the optimizer on your models to take advantage of the latest improvements.

  • v1.2.6

    Jun 27, 2024

    New Features

    • Improved analysis and estimation of expressions containing dead code, such as unreferenced variables.
  • v1.1.6

    Jun 04, 2024

    New Features

    • Added rule detection for FILTER used as an iterator instead of modifying the filter context with the minimal number of column filters
    • Added rule detection for context transitions within an iterator over a table with non-unique rows
  • v0.5.5

    Mar 07, 2024

    Bug Fixes

    • Fixed error when a non-physical column is used in a scalar predicate
  • v0.5.1

    Dec 21, 2023

    New Features

    • Added rule detection related to IF used in iterators
  • v0.4.27

    Oct 03, 2023

    Bug Fixes

    • Fixed error when SWITCH is used as a scalar predicate
  • v0.4.26

    Sep 21, 2023

    New Features

    • Updated DAX syntax to support new parameters in window functions
  • v0.4.25

    Sep 14, 2023

    Bug Fixes

    • Fixed error in estimation caused by missing lineage in column reference
  • v0.4.24

    Sep 03, 2023

    Bug Fixes

    • Fixed error caused by PARTITIONBY
    • Ignored DumpFilter measures generated by DAX Studio
  • v0.4.22

    Aug 31, 2023

    Bug Fixes

    • Estimates columns cardinality when at zero in VPAX metadata
    • Fixed issues in duplicated functions detection and NaN results

    Other Enhancements

    • Internal engine performance improvements
  • v0.4.14

    Aug 22, 2023

    Bug Fixes

    • Fixed ORDERBY cardinality estimate error
  • v0.4.13

    Aug 02, 2023

    Bug Fixes

    • Fixed ALLCROSSFILTERED cardinality estimate error

    Other Enhancements

    • Updated VPAX libraries to 1.3.0
Last update: Jul 22, 2024
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